Contact Us
The best way to contact me is to use email: zz@hickokmeters.com
If you call and leave a message it may take up to three working days to return the call. I can respond much quicker via email or the contact form.
Contact us with any question with repair and calibration of your Hickok Tube Tester.
The cost for calibration of a Hickok tube tester, or other brands ,includes any small parts such as resistors or capacitors the tester may need. Not going to nickle and dime you for these parts that we have plenty of in stock. If the tube tester needs other parts such as an 83 Rectifier, a new meter, or other critical parts, in order to be calibrated and function properly, I will contact you in advance of doing the work.
Any Questions? Contact direct at zz@hickokmeters.com
Or use the form below.
Cost for calibration: (not all tube testers are listed)
539C/B is $250.00
752, 750, $225.00 (I have the only known factory calibration procedures for the 750)
533A includes adding a potentiometer for calibration of the line adjustment $250.00
600A includes adding a potentiometer for calibration of the line adjustment $200.00
6000/A $175.00
800/A That already has a line adjust potentiometer $175.00
800/A includes adding a potentiometer for calibration of the line adjustment $200.00
799 $200.00
TV-7D/U and B/U $200.00
TV-7U and A/U includes adding a potentiometer for calibration of the line adjustment $225.00
For an additional cost of $40.00 I will clean (inside and out) and calibrate your meter and add a new capacitor up to 150uF.
Write to us:
HickokMeters.com because if you own and use a Hickok tester, you will ultimately be looking for a new meter.
Because the meters in Hickok testers are at least 50 years old and many need, or will need to be replaced. If you ever did a search you probably know there are not many GOOD Hickok replacement meters available, thus rendering many otherwise perfectly good Hickok tube testers boat anchors. Many of the original meter movements are corroded internally, sticky from small debris, worn out, unbalanced, etc. etc. etc. … The pointers are held in place with glue, and after 50 years that glue is failing. If you keep getting different readings the glue holding the pointer in place is probably loose. It just became a frustrating waste of time trying to repair these meters.
If you want a new meter for your Hickok Tube tester, contact me and include the tube tester you want the meter for. We now have factory made New Simpson meters for certain Hickok tube testers; some in stock and others would have to be ordered or custom made. The cost of those meters are are available on the "Meters for Sale" page. We still some meters for Hickok tube testers and can provide a custom made meter from Hickok Meters at a cost between $125.00 – 175.00 for the main/Gm meter. Please contact us for availability if not listed.
I have done the alteration on dozens of testers with ease, but some may not find doing this so easy. This is why I have been reluctant to sell the meters without doing the installation myself, but if think you can use a dermal type tool and enlarge the hole just a little, the installation is easy. No cuts will be visible with the new meter or if you put the original back in. The new meter is a huge improvement. I can do the install for you if pay for shipping the tester both ways at a cost $75.00 labor, plus the cost of the meter.
The new meter will be smooth and will not hit hard on the overthrow and returning to zero like the original Hickok meter.
We have some pro-made custom cases for the larger Hickok tube testers e.g 539B/C, and will continue to make the smaller cases for testers the size of a 6000A. Please contact me to inquire, and include the model of the Hickok tube tester you want a case or meter for.
New Meters, Repair, Calibration, and Customization Questions